Friday, March 25, 2011


So I haven't posted in awhile, because really there wasn't a lot to say.  I started having issues with my back and hip in January and really couldn't move my left leg.  I finally broke down and went to a chiropractor in February and it turns out I have three compressed disks in my lumbar spine and three locked vertebrae in my thoracic spine.  Basically, I am a mess.  Thank goodness for Dr. Chavarria because slowly but surely I am feeling better. 
I am continuing on my weight loss path, I just needed a little redirection.  I joined Weight Watchers three weeks ago and I really think the program can work for me.  In two weeks, I have lost 4 pounds and that is just the motivation I need.  Every ounce is one ounce that I don't have to carry around on my body anymore!  I am also planning on starting a couch to 5k program on Monday.  Right now, I am praying that my back and hip holds out.  Getting old is rough! LOL

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Update on the Re-Start

So after a previously mentioned hiatus, I resumed P90X on Monday and re-started my 90 days.  This week has gone pretty good so far.  Today was supposed to be yoga day, but I did Day 1 of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.  All I can say is WOWZA!! 
A P90X workout is about an hour, but the JM workout is only 30 minutes and since Thursdays are my errand day, I thought *perfect! workout real quick and be ready for the day*.  But I wasn't prepared to sweat like a maniac.  I think the JM workouts are going to be a great addition to my P90X workout.  I LOVE the strength training of P90X, but the Plyometrics is probably a little more advanced than I should be attempting, especially since my sciatic issue in my hip has really been acting up and my beloved chiropractor told me to cut the intensity down a bit.  Hopefully she can put me back together again and I can keep kicking butt!

Oh yeah...and I lost 2 pounds this week!  YAY!!  :D

Saturday, January 15, 2011

We got some s'plaining to do...

So we fell off the wagon.

I don't think either of us was prepared for Dave's work schedule last weekend.  We didn't have a plan and it bit us in the pa-toot.  Obviously after you skip one day, the next day is easier to skip and then the next and before you know it a whole week has gone by and your previously mentioned pa-toot is not getting any smaller.

So now we have a plan.  Re-start our 90 days on Monday 1/17/2011 and then we can rest on Sunday (instead of Monday) and we do our workout every day at 9am.  We have re-committed to this and now that we know where are weaknesses are, we are better prepared.

Also, I am tweaking the P90X routine a bit.  Mainly because I despise yoga.  I hate yoga *almost* as much as I hate winter...almost.  So we are supplementing our yoga days with Jillian Michael's workouts.  Maybe when we are skinner, we (read: Cara) won't hate yoga so much.  (Although I am not betting on that.)

I am also going to ask for some prayers for us.  After the 1 week of P90X, I didn't lose a pound, in fact I gained 3 pounds. (If one person makes the muscles weigh more that fat comment, I will punch you in the mouth.  I don't care.  I want to lose WEIGHT!  What good are muscles that are covered in layers of fat?  That's right, no good at all.)  I think the weigh gain also contributed to my de-motivation and excuses for missing an entire week.  Working so hard, watching what you eat, etc and then watching the scale move in the other direction is more that is heart breaking.  It is my worse fear...failure.  I fear doing this for 90 days, blogging and sharing with our friends and family and having nothing to show for it.  Since my weight has been a struggle for me my whole life, failure now is what I fear most.  So again, I ask you for some prayers. 

Prayers for motivation, prayers for confidence, prayers for progress.  I will take all I can get. :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 3 & 4 and a total Melt-Down for Day 5

Before we get into my total melt-down, let start with saying at this point I am wondering when the pain begins to subside.

We did Plyometrics on Day 3 and, well the best I can say is that I was still standing at the end of it.  For those who don't know (which included me), Plyometrics is all about jump training.  Lots of squatting and jumping out of them and it was really rough.  That being said, I am looking forward to doing it again because even though my legs have been cursing me the last couple days - It was fun and I enjoyed it.  I am looking forward to the day when I can get through all the reps on all the different moves. 
Day 4 was Shoulders & Arms and Ab Ripper X (again).  This was probably my favorite so far.  I really like using the weights and although my biceps are *burning* today, I feel like it was a really good workout.  And ARX was easier to get through as well - progress it being made.

And then there was Yoga.

Enter my Melt-Down.

For some reason, maybe the pain has finally eaten my brain and my coping ability, maybe because I got some really sad news this morning, maybe because Advil has become a food group for me, etc, but 15 minutes into the Yoga DVD and I have been reduced into a crying mess.  I do not understand Yoga.  Upward dog and runners pose, it is all like freaking greek to me.  It made me feel retarded when I am twisted up and he says look at me, don't do this and I am like HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LOOK AT THE TV WHEN MY HEAD IS BETWEEN MY KNEES??  My frustration level is through the roof. 

How important is the Yoga program to the whole P90X picture? 

I don't know.

I walked away from it today.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 1 - P90X is in the books!

Cara - Day 1
Dave chose not to publish his Day 1 photos.
 So today we started.  And we survived! :)
Today our workout was Chest & Back and Ab Ripper X - all I can say is WOW!  Tonight both Dave and my arms are still feeling a little rubbery.  I don't think either of us has ever even attempted to do that many push ups.  CRAZY.  I will admit that I could not do all the fancy ones they did, so I just focused on getting my technique and getting lower on the regular "girl" ones.  My max was 15, and since I haven't done a push up since...well probably high school, I am pretty happy with that! As for the Ab Ripper X - well we were more previewing that one - we did a little, but good grief, it is INTENSE!  Even what little we did had our bellies aching all afternoon!
Dave is already having some ankle issues, so we are both praying that it will hold up as we work through the next 90 days. 
After our big workout this morning, it became obvious that we were going to need some additional equipment.  Our P90X package came with the resistance bands, which were great for alternate chin ups (since we are nowhere near being at the level to do *real* chin ups - not even with the chair), but not really that great for the weight exercises.  And both our wrists were really hurting from all the push ups.  So we went to Play It Again Sports and got some free weights (8lbs for me and 20 lbs for Dave).  We really want the fancy ones that can go up to 90lbs from BowFlex, but those babies are like $500!!  Too rich for our blood!  We also got a couple yoga kits (mat, block and some strap we have no idea what to do with) for $8 each!!  We thought that was a pretty good deal!
I am really trying to also watch my calorie intake, with a goal of 1200-1500 calories a day.  But I am not really sure how to determine the calories when I make something from "scratch".  Do I add up all the calories I put into the dish and divide by the number of servings?  I don't want to turn into a calorie cop, but I want to make sure I am not sabotaging my work in one meal!
I am still debating on posting our original weights and measurements.  Maybe I will save that for the 90 day reveal.  There is something about putting how much our weight out on the Internet that makes me a little nauseous!
Tomorrow is Plyometrics!  I don't even know what that means, but I guess I am going to find out tomorrow morning!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I can't believe we are doing this.

Tonight as I was running out at 730 to get ice cream from McDonald's, it dawned on me that Dave and my date to begin P90X was quickly approaching.  We had decided on January 4, 2011; just 5 short days away.  As I was waiting for our sundaes, it hit me - why not blog about our journey?! 
Now let me say, I have never blogged before.  I guess I have never thought of myself as someone who has, well not nothing to say, but rather nothing incredibly important to say.  But this blog isn't so much about what I have to say, as about what I (err, we) have to lose.  And we have a lot to lose!
So I started planning the blog in my mind.  Dave isn't super excited about sharing our journey so publicly, but I told him a little accountability never hurt anyone and while we can talk ourselves out of exercising, I know someone will call me out on not posting and that will keep me honest. :)
Over the next few days, we will do our initial weigh-in, our measurements and take our fitness test.  (Lord, help us!)  I will post pics of both of us too (much to both of our discomfort!).  The plan is to post daily on which workout we did, what we ate, how we are feeling, etc and then once a week post new pics and document our weight loss.  Welcome to our journey and we hope there is less of us to celebrate in 90 days!